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Our History

Bortwide's Journey: From Diamond Trading to Global Brilliance


2013 - A Spark of Beginnings

- Diamond Trading Genesis: Bortwide embarked on its journey in 2013 as a diamond trading company. This marked the inception of our voyage into the world of precious stones and their global trade.


2015 - Crafting Elegance

- Unveiling Diamond Jewellery Craftsmanship: As time progressed, we recognized the artistry that diamonds could become. In a pivotal move in 2015, we ventured into crafting exquisite diamond jewellery, infusing each piece with our dedication to precision and creativity.


2018 - Global Expansion and Digital Horizon

- Global Online Presence: Building upon our diamond legacy and jewellery craftsmanship, we stepped onto the global stage in 2018. We extended our reach by launching our online platform, connecting with jewellery enthusiasts worldwide.


- Branching Out: USA and Hong Kong: In our pursuit of global excellence, we expanded our physical footprint. We established branches in the USA and Hong Kong, strategically positioning ourselves to cater to diverse markets with utmost dedication.


2021 - Continuing the Odyssey

- Global Recognition and Beyond: Our journey continues with each passing year, marked by global recognition, innovation, and a commitment to delivering brilliance. With every diamond, every creation, and every connection, Bortwide illuminates the world of jewellery with its distinct glow.


As Bortwide's journey evolves, it narrates a story of transformation from diamond trading to crafting exquisite jewellery, to establishing a digital global presence, and to planting roots in international jewelry hubs. With each chapter, our commitment to excellence and innovation shines brighter, defining us as a trailblazer in the world of fine jewellery.
